How to change a diaper on a peer who has decided, with his free will, that he doesn't give a fuck and chooses to wear diapers:
step the first- Question him! But not his decision to wear the diaper, thats his free will. Question why he can't change his own. Upon hearing an appropriate response (foot's asleep, has a gun to your head, gets off on it, simply just doesn't feel right unless someone else does it, etc. etc.) proceed to changing.
steppeddy deputy 2- Prepare yourself! You are about to see some grown parts in a state of baking in its own mud oven. This is no baby- there will be hair and their will be sexual reaction. Don't give in to that. Also- prepare in the cleaning sense too. Gloves are a must (for them not you). You wanna get out of there as quickly as you can, so have all the acoutremonts at hand. Also if the peer happens to be a boy- an erection means go for it, so be prepared for that.
stet three- SHIV! That's right- you have self respect and you have gone on with this charade long enough! You are looking at a pile of diaper-genital-and shit on a peer you see everyday (if you are changing a stranger's diaper- I assume you are desparate for attention and should just change the diaper like how you would a baby, I shouldn't have to explain that to you if you're changing a strangers diaper- also you probably shouldn't shiv them if you are doing this for attention, but its too late, I already said it and you already did it. Parenthesis you make life crazy, right?). Shiv this sucker right were you see you would sucker. Peehole, cunt swab, buttcycle... any pre-made hole is beneficary for tearing- but watch the poop! Also the blood.
shrek goes fourth- I think this is enough steps. Hopefully that person is unconscious. Take their wallet and shove it in their new hole and use a line like "made you a new pocket". Also I eluded to this earlier, but didn't say it outright- if they are someone who is physically handicapped and in dire need, not want, of this diaper- do not kill them. But do have sex with them. And take their wallet. Or kill them fast cuz you are god. Whats done is done, and whats trans-fat is something.
ok... byyye.
Sometimes I match my tone with the album's tone: Cocaine Women
These seem longer: days go by, the family, relationships of understanding... blah blah blah... love
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