"you got that sun block?" quipped the anamorphic hose nozzle, as she prepared the noose- doubling the loop. "no use in leaving an ugly corpse." A confusing statement coming from a suicidal nozzle, but that confusion lies why no one understood the hose nozzle, and why she is presently tying another hose into a noose (this hose is a regular hose, no life qualities to it (unless you count being wet)). The anamorphic garden hose led a quiet life. Spray, spray wider, stream spray.... all were quiet. She tryed the dating scene only to find a couple lesbians use her as a funnel to pee standing up. She barely talked, because people were not nearly as accepting of a talking hose nozzle. It could be her own fault, as she always asked for rides or "can you carry me over there?"s. But when people did accept her, they still couldn't get past the fact they were with a hose nozzle. She'd get questions: "do you eat?" or "whats the best control setting for my organic garden?" or "why are all these rieses monkeys following you?". The life of a hose nozzle is best left for a world not our own.
Eat Slower: Vestigial Organs are Fully Functional
Its not a kidnap: if you can't carry them
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