I have a wrench, thats it there. Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty proud of it. I loosened a couple above grounders... pools... with it. Just lightly enough so that when 4 people get in it then the pressure causes it to burst and flood and ruin backyard grass. Yeah, me and wrench here, we get a long just fine. Just a couple favors ago, we tightened all the doors in the elementary school. The kids had to band together just to push them open. I imagine there were some injuries but the bonding experience itself should be worth it. Also me and the wrench clamped down all the tongs to forks at O.S. Sunkegduy's Beef-fet and Cloth Adhesive Agency. Yep just clamped them together so it made a round miniscule hole about the size of a turtle pupil, rendering each fork useless. Thats what they get for not honoring the wrench's bib request. O- this one time, wrench just went fuckshit all over these chemotherapy machines and dead bolted them to robot dumpsters outside of Penkenbor, Arkansas after the annual Edible MudFlap Expo (not to be confused with Ed Ible's Mod Flop Expose, which is a unilaterall publication in the country of Georgia).... I am supposed to say something about Penkenbor's high cancer rate and how they use those robodumpsters as capteurs and holding cells for their mini-gorilla problems and how the expo falls under those gorilla's mating season.... but man, I love that wrench. One time the wrench saved my life when King Darwep of Garneff tryed excommincating me with a fiery bronze whippen, after I thusly recondified the meanable clauses in the country's charter to read that sleeves deemed baggy may be altered rather than burn that person at the stone. Wrench fought thru the mist war to come in on horse right before the mighty king parlaxed his juniper wire penst my skullabrium. Wrench lockheaded the barrell mith that game hour! But, of course, you can borrow it... just want you to know all that about wrench and that I have sex with it.
A Leaf's "fight the power": Steamroller
What Hell is to a Syringe Artist: Hell
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