Invention. Patented. Here. Now. Boom. INVENTION: Boob Socks. Helps with padding. Keeps boobs warmer. Fashionz. Extra protection for shark attacks. Stimulate the economy. Make regular socks jealous. End the tyranny of bra snaps. Easier on/off procedures. Would cover up more breast while allowing for less support. They're not racist. Opens up conversation to funny names: bocks or soobs or boobcks or sboocokbs. Angels and SWAT teams love them. Allows for easier sweat bottling. They're funny. They prevent accidents. They start forest fires indoors. They taste like candy. The elastic cuts off blood pressure making for swollen tits. Another invention. Patented. ANOTHER INVENTION: Boob Toe Socks. Aforementioned qualitives WITH extra pop spot for the nipple. Also makes it look like alien boobies and Koreans can make them.
They don't use small dogs in the south reaction: The Boss Wants to Party with You
An actual name of a car: Town and Country
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