The conversation that led to the Smucker's slogan: "With a name like Smucker's, it has too be good"
Juan: "I think we should focus more on hard work we put into our thing we make- like 'We're hard working Smucks!', eh?"
Boss:"Do you honestly think that is funny? Did you laugh at that? Did you think of it now or did you plan that one? That is fucking lame. That's worse than my pregnant teenage daughter's nickname 'Spread her Smuckers'. At least that is funny, and evokes spreading, which is what what we makes does well. I'm seriously thinking about pulling out the back of your eyes thru your ass right now."
Juan: "Well its hard to incorporate your last name into shit! Smuckers? It might as well be earfucker, or ChrisTucker. I mean with a name like Smucker's, your shit has to be off some chain."
Juan: "....."
Boss: "(raises finger as if he has something to say)......"
Juan: "(look of post-aggression, pre-relief, and he lets out a fart)......."
Boss: "(slowly as if he just agreed to let the postman deliver mail directly to his pee hole) OK"
Both at the same time: "Cool, I fucked your daughter"
Stand-Up Comedy on racial tensions between grifters and winks, taken to a meta level: Curaga
Live from New York, its: A Saturday night
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