"I look stupid, I shouldn't have worn my jogging tee with my dress pants. Lose the headband, lose the headband.... OK, ok.... I'm fine.... lets go over key points: jogging isn't running, its more of a hustle, or a walk without looking like you're walking. Jogging can benefit those cheating on their spouses- "sorry honey, I can't talk now, I'm jogging", those wanting to lose weight but know that they won't, dentists jog, people who lie to cross streets, people who don't have iPods, even some people jog with iPods,, so we get a great diversity of the jog-gaas.... Now, should I demonstrate a jog? I can jog 10 steps.... might take to long... lets do 2, 2 jog steps. Talk about famous people who have jogged: Sandra Derry The Quilt Queen, The man they modeled Mr. Clean after, Tony Gwynn, Mafia don's son Rico Hettermucillo, The cast of 'Some like it Hot' might've jogged to keep in alert mode. People can jog with their dog--- that rhymes, end with that. Tips: masturbate before or during- nothing ruins a jog like an erection hitting you in the gut repeatedly, pretend you're escaping from religious pressure from a religion that frightens you- I run from people who believe in Space travel, wear shoes, run into people, leave a trail behind you, if you have glasses be prepared to not get taken seriously, don't jog on high spaces connected by wire, do compliment the grass you see, and really all women joggers are easy. OK- lets jack off and do this thing.
Circus slang meeting to discuss people who text during clowns who sing this song: The Cairo Shuffle
I didn't receive my diploma yet: really?
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