Hahaha. After the Growing Pains portion of this found VHS tape was an hour long episode of Say What? Karaoke when MTV was in Seaside, NJ for their summers for some reason.
Now I was in Junior High when this happened, and looking back on this- no one should've cared at all about MTV programming. I thought being a karaoke champion meant something, but really all it means is that you helped fill programming to junior high kids thinking they were cool. It worked because it was cool because Jesse Camp. Before I get to Jesse, the judges were Matt Pinfield, some fashion semi celebrity who had a dog, and a mildly drunk Ed Lover. It was hosted by the already mentioned Jesse Camp, who is always in vintage form, and Carson Daly, who had to deal with Jesse Camp in vintage form.
Jesse Camp was by far the best thing on MTV when he was on MTV. For example, when he had to read from his cue cards, he paused, though about where it was, pulled it out from his pocket, unfolded it and slowly read it. Carson, who professionally held his cue cards, said "Right from your pocket huh?" When Carson would ask Jesse what he thought about the performers, Jesse would either say "That was something else" or "That, that was great". Jesse was also in charge of the audition interviews, so he knew some of the karaoke performers before the show and clearly played favorites with them. Sometimes Carson would chide Jesse and say something mean yet truthful, prompting Jesse to say "aw c'mon man". It really was a wonderful thing that when MTV let people vote on who would be a VJ- the winner turned out to be a wonderfully unprofessional stoner who concentrated more on looks and didn't really grasp where he was or who he was talking to.
For example, the tape then went to I Wanna Be A Spice Girl, which again- was MTV filler time where they had idiots sing Spice Girls songs because Ginger Spice left the Spice Girls. Jesse was again the audition correspondent, and when some people would sing the songs and forget the words, Jesse would join in and sing "Bop zoppa doo zop, zippa doppa doo dop". That's just great.
For more of whatever I'm talking about, be around tomorrow.
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