What a title right? Don't worry, I'm going to treat it as seriously as you think I will. OK? So I feel like the difference between men and women is that: when you kick a man in the crotch it's funny because you are really not supposed to- however if you kick a women in the crotch it's hilarious because you are REALLY not supposed to. Let's break it down.
Kicking Men in the crotch
-It's a sensitive area, the literal seeds of procreation are there
-It's mean
-It hurts
-Everyone knows it hurts
Kicking Women in the crotch
-It's a sensitiver area, this is where birth happens
-It's meaner (hitting women in general is mean, unless you are a women)
-Its not supposed to hurt as bad because there are no hang down parts, but being kicked hard always hurts
- Everyone cares if it hurts
Rosie taking one for women's rights, right there. Sure the scene use the crotch shot on a women as a surprise, but still it's funny. Men don't own getting hit on the crotch.
But is there an inherit bias towards crotch pain? Men do dominate the market on groin pain. A popular High School boys game is 'ball tap', The Simpsons had man actor George C Scott being hit in the crotch, and if we remember Mortal Combat, Johnny Cage did a split punch to the crotch that did not work on Sonja Blade. Why is there a protection of women's crotches? Because that is where life comes from, and impending that life-hole is a tragedy? This assumes that women's purpose in life is to give birth, and that taking wrecking ball to the clockworks takes that purpose away or somehow gums them up. It's a getting hit. It hurts, but you move on. Thousands upon thousands of men have been hit in the crotch. Violently. Wrestling, Movies where kids fight adults, and Home Videos shown on Television have made an art of men getting hit in their balls. There is no reason to act different than when a women gets kicked there.
I am not advocating the hitting of women in the crotch to make them equal. I am saying that equality comes from the same reaction of the same thing different groups do. Women DO need to get hit in the crotch more, or they need to find a reasonable equal to it. Tit punch perhaps?
My real point: Women are hilarious. The most prolific performer on SNL currently- Kristen Wiig. The best phyical comedian on SNL ever- Gilda Radner. The funniest person on a primetime sitcom right now- Amy Poehler. Most Prolific TV writers- Tina Fey and Mindy Kaling. Hardly anyone is funnier than Maria Bamford or Wanda Sykes. I could say a thousand names and still not be done. Women are funny. People are funny. Men have this crotch thing as a go-to source of humor, while women don't have that go-to funny (their periods is another discussion). Allowing women to be vulgar or get hit in the crotch or have wacky make-out scenes (see Ron and Tammy Swanson) or using their body to be funny is normal. Don't sexualize everything. Let things be what they are. Let things that are funny be funny. Let a crotch shot be funny.
1 comment:
I'm so happy you used that Pineapple Express clip. Also, this is a great job.
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