Aug 17, 2010

Review: Action Figure: The REAL Ghostbuster's Fearsome Flush

I don't even want to write a review following this picture.

Ghostbusters Action Figures were literally the coolest because they dealt with cartoony ghosts and quick one liners being said by Ghostbusters. Now, in their infinite wisdom, they decided that they should sell a household item for the boys to play with. Their test marketing showed that boys love toilets. Which I can't argue with. I had this exact toy. It wheeled around and as it did so- its tongue would pop in and out. It was hilarious.

But how do you incorporate the evil toilet into action figure playing- especially more than 3 times. In the world I created for my toys, they were smart enough not to fall for haunted toilet trick after the first time. So I had to make the evil toilet have a backstory. He then became the leader of the evil ghostbuster toys I had, which included The Werewolf, Quasimodo, and a football player whose back was a monster. The toilet was like the Krang of the group, and I enjoyed playing with them so much they became the good guys who were still kind of bad, in this long-form drama actions series I created for my action figures. Sadly, wrestling soon took over my childhood and only the Werewolf was had the guise of fluid joint motion and intimidation factor to make it in my fake wrestling circuit. (I actually used Quasimodo as Mankind when Mick Foley first came to WWF when I was 10, but I'm revealing too much.)

Again, there was a toilet toy. Of course I had it. It was evil, and it was a toilet and I was 5. They also had an evil grandma figure that I never got. I don't know what I would've used her for though. Oh, and yes I did pretend that my hero toys were going to the bathroom and that the toilet bit their dick off. I just wanted to clear that up before you start assuming.


Chris said...

good krang jpeg. did you have his turtle figure, with the guy he lived inside?

jim said...

The Real Ghostbusters rare designs
Rare early The Real Ghostbusters art from 1986-87: Over 30 black-and-white copies of animation model sheets by DiC Entertainment animation artists. Characters, props and backgrounds are seen in these model sheets.