I saw Greenberg and liked it. I am one of thousands. Thousands around the clock. But- do I like it enough to put it in my facebook profile under the place designated for favorite movies? Yes probably. But that's a fat probably with two belts tied together acting as one. Greenberg is still too new to be in a Facebook profile. It still is clouded in its marketing. Putting it in there now says: I appreciate Ben Stiller on an esoteric level, I love every Noah Baumbach movie, and boy was I right about Greta Gerwig... which, to be fair, I say all those things. But I am obsessed with the delicate balance of how others view me in my favorite movies section on Facebook. Greenberg is a character study of a man not admitting his failures--- do I want to say that about myself? I liked the movie so much, because I can relate to it. That's where liking movies comes from! And goodness knows that if I put Greenberg on my profile, I could possibly encourage someone to see it- which is a whole new side of pressure to place upon myself. I could've avoided this by seeing Greenberg 3 weeks ago when it was still entirely too new to make any assumptions about, but 3 weeks is 3 weeks is a near month. Bandwagons have formed. The Raptors are out of the playoffs (probably). When does liking something become actually liking something? When you don't put thought into it, I bet. That- or when you put thought into it, the thoughts die, like the process in which you think is like the process in which we make hamburger meat. Read Jonathan Safran Foer "Eating Animals". The World. and all that.
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