Apr 9, 2010

Review: Being tagged in an album 39 seconds ago

I wish I had a picture of this. I wish I had a million dollars worth of quarters. I wish I had a picture of a million dollars worth of quarters raining on an entire elementary school student body (not in the lame pool of quarters way certain millionaire ducks would do). The going rate for pictures is approximately 1000 words. Words can buy you many things, namely time. And time is money, so look at that I brought it back to making sense. It is not fair however that a bohemian and scant picture such as the million dollars worth of quarters is worth the same amount of words as, say, a picture of Ruby Hunter. Nothing against Ruby Hunter (something again Ruby Hunter), she is a very photographic woman. I should've picked someone less photogenic, like Ruby Gettinger of the Style Network. I wanted to, but a veiled reference is a veiled reference. Excuse me, is a veiled reference. So I'm not one to judge, unless I can easily score with the 3rd place winner (GOB!), but picture pricing with words should be mandated. A sliding scale, perhaps. Afternoon baseball? Yeah, that sounds more fun. Anyway, chew Wrigley's Gum. Wrigley's: A great name to say. You were just tagged in a picture that you didn't know someone took. You feel curious. But it has already been 39 seconds. Life goes on.

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