Apr 27, 2010
Review: Adult Swimming

Apr 26, 2010
47 Reasons Why You Think You're Not a Hipster Anymore
1. You checked if there were actual 47 things on this list.
2. You cared either way that it was
3. 'Less is more' has made sense in your everyday life recently
4. It is now easier for you to recognize your own brand of lipstick
5. Your brother is your close friend
6. You agree with anything on this list
7. You have talked about drinking straight from a two liter bottle of soda to someone as means to relate to them over childhood nostalgia
8. Blackbird singing in the dead of night
9. You think chest bumps are ironic, not awesome
10. You have reached a life goal, bragged about it to someone and not noticed, then went to bed that night and realized you did, wrote a Facebook message apologizing, realized you should be proud of yourself, didn't send the message, and now treat that person poorly
11. You have broken off friendships based on the disparaging speeds at which you cross the street
12. An intimate self-care time such as cutting toe nails or putting on deodorant have become such a custom to you, that you define grace by using them as a metaphor
13. You have been to an umbrella sale
14. You have put thought into anything I said
15. You have only put thought into the one I said right before this
16. You can't help but now make a decision whether to continue with this and see where I am going or skim to the last couple
17. Then you wouldn't see this one, unless there was a specific word in this line that caught your eye.
18. You have just admitted that some words look better than others. Piccadilo looks nicer than arm.
19. it is not in your nature to be judgemental so you can't relate to this
20. then again you would've skipped down to the last couple if you were that type of person, you say to yourself in a more complimentary voice than what it really is, but you'll work on that voice and develop a character you bring out to your spouse or close friends
21. you did it to prove a point
22. You don't smoke pot
23. You do smoke pot
24. You contradict yourself
25. You Contradict Yourself Capitally
26. You never admit to repeating yourself
26. The only Josh you know was a popular kid in high school, everyone got a long with him though, its not like you were close or anything
28. They wouldn't give you a subscription to Maxim
29. You know what that was a reference to
30. You have had a long conversation about something very specific with a bank teller but don't admit to yourself what it was about
30. You already did that joke
30a. you didn't do that joke, but why would you?
7773992. You are just being increduloose righ' abou' gna', AM I WHOSE WITH ME RIGHT! Protection! Disclosure! A house divided shall not stand but measure itself in its divisions and supply power accordingly! We shall fold, we shall hooge, we shall take our veins out and use them as lasso to take down the bulls heads and loose ottomans and plastic replica antique paint can lids falling from shelves in the sky hidden by clouds which were in turn tufts of 2 different gods rendezvous in a cosmic truck stop where the soap was pure energy and the stalls were scibbled with math equations that in this universal understanding of life served as jokes, the standard equivalent of the chicken crossing the road was 2+2=4, the Tonight Show monologue that night was 87+18, he latered minused 24, and somehow people were impressed by that.
35. you know this is actually 34
36. now you know that this is actually 35
37. you don't care otherwise
39. There is room in your socks.
38. I lost you awhile ago, so if you came back looking to this point because you saw some short reasons, followed by this long reason, you might be smart enough to figure it out, but try as I might, I really am phoning it in by now, so you might as well click off the page- I was being honest.
39. Letterman reference
26. You never admit to repeating yourself
41. Now more than ever, you pay attention when you shower
42. You Have Had a Favorite Song now for an entire week
43. RL Stine reference
44. You think the Freelance Whales are making 'real' music
45. You thought that way about Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
46. You think that way about Yo Gabba Gabba now
47. You wanted some big ending, something to justify anything at all why you spent any amount of time reading anything I would say or droop. But we are just different, me and you. I am the actual one who had time to write this and what do you think I think about you thinking about this? Do you think I think that you think I waste my time doing nothing? That's as much thought as I put into is is realizing that you do think about it, but I don't care what to think of thinking. I don't think God actually spoke about hating gays. To turn that into a joke: He probably meant gaze, and wanted people not to stare off into space while holding conversation. But seriously, we have opinions and we are people with access to information, so we can agree and we can disagree. It is nothing personal, and if you take the time to, you just might find out something about yourself. I'm Wynona Funnel, I'll see you next time.
Apr 23, 2010
Review: Mama Bear from Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
Apr 22, 2010
Review: Objectifying Women
As a man who exists and thinks, I can see how horrible it is to judge them based on the frat-phrase (frase) of "the fuck quotient". Kudos to fraternities for using the word quotient. As a man who exists and doesn't think, I can say walking on eggshells takes away the essence of man. So is it right to objectify women? Yes. Why? Because they are not around when you do it. That's not always the case, as in the career Christine Brinkley, and everyone ultimately suffers from that. But, it is the man's fault ultimately. Objectification will continue to exist, but the women being objectified needs to change. Attractive women are attractive, that's why they are attractive. But the paradigm shift needs to be onto smart women who are also attractive. The smart women who own their image and allow themselves to be sexxed up. And allow their image to be ogled because they back it up. I mean everyone has looks. It is up to the woman to use those looks in order to take control of her situation. Men do it all the time. And woman probably objectify men all the time, but men don't pay attention to that. There is no answer really in here, just another statement of "do whatever you want to, but don't do it like an idiot". Which is saying- I google image searched Sexy Hilary Clinton and got this:

Apr 16, 2010
Review: South Park Episode 200
Sweet, sweet, straight, unfiltered reference. Nectar of the mind vines. The reference, in all their unfilteryness, remind you that this whole time- South Park is just a TV show. Sure, a TV show steeped deeply in its own meta world, but the first three words of that parenthetical were "a TV show". I am 24 years old, Park is 10 years younger than me, and thankfully has been smarter than me this whole time. South Park in its purest form is Matt Stone and Trey Parker. The are people, and people are what grows with you.
So, I agree with you all in saying that if you don't follow South Park you are not going to like this episode. As for me and m unabashed love affair with these smart people with a tv show. A tv show that happens to be a cartoon with children protagonists. These men get to do anything they want with these children, and they chose to make them to IE go into space and follow a Taco that pooped ice cream to save earth, which is a TV show to aliens, from being canceled. IE stab Jesus in the neck to a plot too involved to recap involving Easter and the disciple Peter actually being Peter Rabbit. I am not going to do IEs anymore. The point is: they are still on the air, remaining fresh, and challenging the viewer. Look how many Emmys they deservedly won. Look it up: The last 3, and 4 overall. This show did that. Because they have such a rich dynamic history that you can point to and is pockets of an era. Names like Pip, Miss Chokesondicks, Miss Crabtree, the time Tweek was their 4th friend. And they can, should, and will do anything they want to. Because that's called 'they earned it.' There probably is an actual word for that, but you need to be slapped with that. And please continue to support smart people making smart tv.
Apr 14, 2010
Review: Facebook: Movies: Greenberg

Apr 13, 2010
Review: KFC Double Down

Apr 12, 2010
Review: Pen Relationships
"Ram on, give your heart to somebody, write away" - Paul M. cCartney
I had this pen for about 6 weeks. It had a bunch of ink left. It had a grip. I used it to jot. To doodle. To fill-in. To tap. To self assure. To scratch out then write something better. Pen Relationships. Today I lost that pen, and replaced it with a different one. It's not as nice. But it still writes, so I don't know why I feel so bad about losing a pen. Projected feelings and so much we've been through? But do I like the pen more than the ideas it wrote down? More than some, but generally no. I did give it an entry on a blog to do it justice. So now I feel better. Which is great. Wow! Phew. That's behind me. I also should admit that in that Paul McCartner lyric- I changed "right" to "write" for affect. In that last sentence I changed "effect" to "affect" for confusion. This week already!
Apr 9, 2010
Review: Being tagged in an album 39 seconds ago
I wish I had a picture of this. I wish I had a million dollars worth of quarters. I wish I had a picture of a million dollars worth of quarters raining on an entire elementary school student body (not in the lame pool of quarters way certain millionaire ducks would do). The going rate for pictures is approximately 1000 words. Words can buy you many things, namely time. And time is money, so look at that I brought it back to making sense. It is not fair however that a bohemian and scant picture such as the million dollars worth of quarters is worth the same amount of words as, say, a picture of Ruby Hunter. Nothing against Ruby Hunter (something again Ruby Hunter), she is a very photographic woman. I should've picked someone less photogenic, like Ruby Gettinger of the Style Network. I wanted to, but a veiled reference is a veiled reference. Excuse me, is a veiled reference. So I'm not one to judge, unless I can easily score with the 3rd place winner (GOB!), but picture pricing with words should be mandated. A sliding scale, perhaps. Afternoon baseball? Yeah, that sounds more fun. Anyway, chew Wrigley's Gum. Wrigley's: A great name to say. You were just tagged in a picture that you didn't know someone took. You feel curious. But it has already been 39 seconds. Life goes on.
Apr 8, 2010
Review: Snausages Castle

Apr 7, 2010
Re: view
In this "review" site, we simply aim to show you things. We fail at that miserably, and then everyone goes home with nothing gained. Alright? Sure. I'm doing this more for me, than for you. But once I find away to make myself happy doing this, then it might seem it is more for you. In any case, since we're talking personal matters, my favorite Simpson's character is The Sea Captain, aka Captain McAllister. His stereotyped voice breathes life into his failings. It's as simple as that. Simpsons is something not to overthink. They deserve it. Being that good on the air that long means you should have no discernable golden age. The Simpsons are too much of a spectacle for me to ever say anything degrading about them. Shame on you. Why shame on you? You know why.
Apr 2, 2010
Review: Letting Things Speak for Themselves
I like it. It reminds me of Venice at night.
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