Some Demand leads to:
Signs that the person you're dating is your dad.
You develop an accent.
You wear thicker coats.
Cars seem smaller.
You don't watch American TV.
You're bathroom is hilariously dirty.
Your respect in Evel Knievel rises.
You no longer watch the Today Show.
You no longer quote Entourage.
You were probably on That 70s Show.
You get quieter around giant holes (canyons).
You understand Busta Rhymes lyrics.
You end up having an affair with fire.
You call your dad Babe Ruth.
Constant Erections.
Constant Blank Stares.
Then I type something.
You end up homeless and impress yourself by saying you were a boxer who only fights sandwiches.
It's christmas and you're dying.
Protect your nest egg, investment refinancial weight loss: The Sea The Sea
This is a noun: Transplant
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