That's your nurse's Dakota Fanning impression, which I don't get, but would've got turned on by if she didn't bound and gag all those gas stations, which must've took some time because she had to locate the mouth of the gas station, especially since those blind photographers were using pastrami cameras and they were leaving pill trails in the shape of bar graphs which explained lard puked by mentally mature children ages 4-9 that appeared in various cream commercials, the top two creams being Sour and NAMBLA brand sooth-to-touch, both of which, incidently (mancidently) are great as a natural separator when pulling out rib cages of small animals, I mean if you can't pull out a cardinal's rib cage- who let you in the century, and another thing- can we say things are the best of the century yet or do we have to wait a certain amount of years to bestow such an honor or can I call the letter 'i' the letter of the century, I'll ask toys r us, who I believe only exists for christmas and don't use magic enough in their commercials, because they have a cow giraffe rather than a wolf giraffe or a condor giraffe, its a little different- but it doesn't have to be expensive- just fun.
That's your budget plan: The Start of My Heart
Thing I wouldn't want to piss: a Xmas Tree
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