Dec 4, 2008

Christmas Decoarations - Far Flung Hum

I didn't put that chicken nugget in your coffee... I mean I didn't, I do see it in there, but I didn't put it in there... I know you didn't ask for it, but you just asked for a regular, maybe in this cafe it is regular to have suprises... yeah just like a cracker jack... no... no it isn't regular in this cafe... no cracker jack's are not regular things.... wait, how do you know its a chicken nugget? did you bite it?... then you just can't assume its chicken, saying its chicken makes you seem like you put it in there yourself... you call it just a nugget... i dunno, steak nugget, bunny nugget, breaded monkey butt crumb nugget, I could've hacked off a piece off the girl I raped and just deep fried it.... I said what?... you misheard, I was talking about Apollo 13.... no I think it was Gary Sinise... no I don't mean that the actor Gary Sinise put a nugget in your coffee... I wouldn't rule it out... OK... I'll get you 3 new coffees... one might have a wedding ring in there, I needed to wash the blood off of it.... if you want, sure... o... ok.... will you marry me?... wait, you didn't pay.

Denim jacket comeback story: Sceptered

I'll remember this morning: Drake and Josh are on the Today show

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