Oct 18, 2010

Review: New Logo

Hey, do this post a favor?

Click HERE.

Cool. Now go to #11.

Thanks, that's all.

Take that DOG PAWS!

I should be proud to be #11 (not I- I didn't do anything) because there is no pomp of top ten, but hey- just about.

OK, now the post:

Things are supposed to look nicer. Look at the Minnesota Vikings Football Jersey. I will admit right now that I had nothing to do with that design and it was all a smarty pants I know named James Acklin. There, that's admitted. He deserves to be the top half of a top 30 list.

But the list itself? Who the fuck are you? I assume you don't take offense to me saying fuck, nor do even read this blog. Why am I assuming that? Well, because you didn't contact me nor the James Acklin when you created your list. You just pulled from your hosting resource. Way to take advantage of an agreement. Why am I mad even though I got free press which is more press than I've ever gotten before? Because this is silly. A purpose of this blog is to not care. So, honestly, nothing against WebAndDesigners.com, my website is just beneath you. Directly beneath you. Tickling your belly. Not in a cute way. In a distracting manner. In an act of annoyance.

So if anything, I am again proving nothing whatsoever (good job), but am forgetting that this top 30 list has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the talented person who made it. Thanks James.

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