Oct 27, 2010

Review: The least amount of Money you can give to charity.

$200? It's more than one hundred, in fact- double more. You want more? Fine... $250. That's a 25% mark-up of the original. Good, right? It's still small, yes, compared to the other amounts being floated your way. But if you were a lesser charity it'd be a average to decent sum. What are lesser charities? The PTA? I don't know what they spend their money on. No, $250 is all I'm going to give you. It's more than the least amount of money I can give to your charity without looking cheap. Because I added $50 to my original offering, that's why. $200 is a lot of money to... hunters. Trailsmen. What do you know, you're a charity. You don't know what it's like to work for a living unless I completely lack the understand what it is you actually do. Now I said I'll give you $250. $250.50. I can do that. It sounds like a lot when you say it out loud. Really loud. Say it really loud. Yeah.

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