Oct 15, 2010

Review: All-Time

How do you quantify something as an all time favorite? The answer is pretty easy, especially if you are comfortable with yourself. Let's use a "duh": Michael Jordan is an all-time great basketball player. A DUH. In the eyes of those who have viewed or know what basketball is and also know who Michael Jordan is, then his skills at basketball are not only great- they are great throughout history. In the 1950s, Jordan was what they dreamed they could be doing, and in the 2050s people will still be appreciating his game on entirely different levels. He's ALL-TIME great. Apply that to favorite, and it is something completely personal. You know your sensibilities and what speaks to them. A favorite that will still be with you 20 years from now, and still you wish you were aware of it sooner than you were. The "where has this been all my life", and the "let me show you this" clip. All-time.

My All-Time Favorite Clip:

I can break this down into why it pulls out certain heart-strings of mine, but that'd be selling you short. Watch it again. Title screen to establish mood. Then set-up: he's a traveling poet. Then it goes. It goes and goes and is the funniest thing in the world. At least to me. It's how I explained all-time to you. I wish I saw this clip when it first aired, to carry around like a weirdo badge of courage to say 'I was there when this happened'. I wish I will have the love for my children to show them this clip, but they'll probably be mentally handicapped, or worse, spoiled.

All-time. Things that just won't leave your consciousness. Things that trigger emotions from you. Things that are you.

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