I don't think they would play basketball in heaven. I think they might have for like a minute (a minute in heaven is like 1000 years on earth cuz ooo God knows what its worth). But basketball would make heaven explode. You wouldn't get tired and there would be no missed shots. There would be no gay overtones and showboating would be discouraged. You wouldn't get paid to do it and the heaven paparazzi doesn't care. God's basketball is also a baby brontosaurus mandible and the court is made of crosses. There is no real skill in heaven basketball, just an exercise in keeping up appearances and remembering old tattoos. "I used to have an egyptian onc tattoo, but heaven ya know?" Also fishing in heaven mainly consists of not remembering your heritage and re-learning how to talk. While jogging in heaven is knowing what jogging is. They do have Olympics in Heaven and that is mainly just not being attracted to anyone and fearing God. Thats what middle america is training for and they are doing a good job if you don't count the fact that they masturbate to photos of livestock=christian rock=two dudes sharing comfortably=grace=nike brand=The Hours=the connotations of islands=flugal sax smeth code #3=the correlation of dreaming and shedding= what children refer to the bad guy at the end of each level (BOSS)=I sure didn't.
You are a quarter cherokee, get off my land: The Flat
We Though of a Bandname: Dark Bichon
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