A man hugs with his forearms up against the person he is hugging. If the person the man is hugging is a bigger man- then he proceeds in a manner where the hug back received has the forearms touching above his. This is only when if the man initiates the hug. If the person is a man of smaller size then the proceeding hug should be grasped until either a faint squeak is heard from party hugged, or the hugging party rubs the fingers against the back such as one would stroke a guitar made of baby zombie (gentle but with a violent intent). If the hugee is the same size, then the arms should swooped downward intersecting at the elbows with the hug intiator on the outside unless they are related then there should be an equal elbow from each party on the outside. If there is a woman involved then all previous rules should met with pre arranged placement of the breasts. A suggestion would be for two women to alternate the breasts. When hugging a teenager it is suggested to picture hugging grain or seeds as to defer arousal. When hugging lettuce picture cabbage. When hugging in all caps use a sheath of lamb skin. When hugging who- how? When hugging Lauraleen Adams- call 1-800-weepy-cleavage. NOW GO!
Your mother is going back to Florida: Miercoles
What Crickets Do: Nothing to Scarves
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