fade to black. cuts to: a fat farmer and a skinny farmer in a lab.. wide angle to show lighting. ceiling fans. sweeping shot to show entire room. zoom in on the space between them. cut to close up on fat farmers chest, pan down to crotch, camera moves quickly to skinny farmer's crotch, back and forth these, back and forth. quick zoom out- revealing the farmers in makeup. opera song begins to play. cut to: opening of a drawer- it is full of dead bees and 4 neckties in different shades of gray. cut to: another opening of a drawer, more suspensful music starts to play, in the drawer are two mini people practicing karate in old denver broncos sweatshirts and overtly baggy pants. cut to: human eye. dissolve into the making of a fisherman's hat (gilligan's hat). quick cut montage (1.2, no 0.9 second cuts) of hats morphing into other hats finally into the straw hat the skinny farmer is wearing. Piano Version of Stand by REM plays as the 2 farmers take pills (close up on eyes, pull back showing 2 farmers in the lab, close up on the hands, pull back again, close up on mouths taking pills). Pull back camera so the 2 farmers heads are in the bottom frame- play image on space above them: mexican 20 something putting gel on his hair to spike it up, close up on the spiking, concentrate on the spiking- cut to him walking in office with high powered business suit on being handed reports to him as he walks, cut to him laughing at a meeting, cut to him sitting in a busy area eating a salad from a clear plastic container, he checks his watch, takes a bite then leaves, cut to him sneezing at a power point presentation, cut to him on the ride home, pull back so he is at the bottom of his screen (2 farmers still being at the bottom) with image over him of the fat farmer ass fucking the skinng farmer- biting the skinny one's shoulder, skinny one with palm of his thumb pressing in his own mouth. BLUNT METAL DOOR CLOSING NOISE. Black screen reads: you can make your own viagra. paid for by men. SCENE.
Buoyancy: Heaven was Full
This The State DVD: thank some Lord
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