Feb 15, 2012

What Defines Us: Troy's Back Pack

Troy Barnes: former high school quarterback whose injury during a keg flip helped land him in community college. Troy is a really sweet, good-natured guy who happens to believe that all dogs are boys and all cats are girls. That singular notion is an example of the simple mindedness of Troy. His is a very specific naiveté that is rooted in a romanticism of innocence. Troy's flaws are not only lovable, they're logical.

Take for example this scene from "Cooperative Calligraphy", where we go through the group member's personal belongings (a great way to get introspection on each of the characters):

What do we learn about Troy? Well, in his second year of college we now know that Troy sees fit to only bring a pillow with him to class. Earlier in the episode, when faced with the accusation of stealing Annie's pen, Troy responded "Why would I want your pen? I don't even want my own." Troy is ill-prepared to be a college student in terms of school supplies, but Troy knows what he needs to get by is the appearance of being prepared. Troy likely uses the pillow when the opportunity arises. Troy doesn't flaunt the pillow, he keeps it in a back pack. I imagine he keeps it in the backpack and lays his head down on the strap side when using it to rest in the back of a class. It's a simpleton's move to sleep in class, or even not to write down anything while being taught. But this is Greendale Community College, and Troy's awareness of his college leads him to this defining moment.

Jeff's assessment of : "You just became my hero," is met by a "Thank You." Troy, annoyed with the situation, still knows how awesome his pillow idea is. He knows that a throw-pillow was the perfect choice as much as he knows that the pillow will suffice for his day at Greendale. 

Troy's seemingly random moments make for great comedy in the fact that the randomness is met with a deeper, sometimes darker, sometimes sweeter development into his core character. A pillow in his back pack, can't meet LaVar Burton, "notches". Troy Barnes is one of the most simplest, complex characters on television today.

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