Feb 21, 2012

The First 5 Minutes of "I Am Love"

As a big fan of getting stoned and watching Netflix Instant as I am, I really should have made a better choice than "I Am Love". Not that I am incapable of understanding emotion and nuance stoned, but more: I have to read subtitles.

I made it through the movie for the most part, and thought it to be really well-filmed and acted, but I didn't give the movie a fair enough shake due mostly to the fact that I was stoned. My haze didn't set in though until about 5 minutes in after giving reading subtitles a good shot before remembering to buy socks on eBay. I also bought a Nicholson Baker book for $3.

The first five minutes of "I Am Love" though? Wow. Great font choices. Really. The spacing of the letters for the 'Milan' title card really grasped me. I did get to hear some of the score by John Adams (hopefully THEE John Adams) which was pleasant and beautiful juxtaposed to the winter Italian scenery. Yeah, and: Who knew it snowed in Italy? Makes perfect sense though with mountains and distance from the equator and what not. 

I also remember there being a dining room scene in the first five minutes, which sent a tone for the familial aspects for the rest of the movie (of that I saw when I looked up from watching last night's Frankenhole). There were other things I noticed in the opening 5 minutes that might've been highlighted stronger in the movie had I been paying attention: the maid dressing pretty casually, how I liked the kitchens tiles, there was an old guy talking. 

However, how hot does Tilda Swinton look as a blond? I got distracted and googled that movie 'Young Adam' because she has that scene where a fly lands on her nipple. Her being hot though was a part of the movie, because I kept looking up from writing customer reviews for pencil cases to watch her sex scenes, of which there were at least 2. Maybe more.

I'd watch "I Am Love" not stoned. The ending made some sense, and I really like the anxiousness of that scene, which I think thats what it was going for. Overall- great movie to have on in the background while I write Jeremy Lin tweets, change my favorite TV shows on an online profile, and google what a hobo jungle is (it's a hobo party essentially). Really good first five minutes. First impressions are important. 

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