Feb 23, 2012

Mardi Gras 2012: the first Mardi Gras of 2012

The silence made when you peel off a scab. Peeel with 3 e's, wherein the third is feeling. A fling feeling, a flying feline, a freed fry. 

The pain associated with is the pain of association. I know you while you know you more than I know you. You know no nose, noses knew no knot. You don't look at people in the face, the face don't care about your denim jacket with the comfort lining. The house that was made from that jacket lured curious children with no manners to it because you leave candy in the pockets. Lifesavers aren't mints but you can spit them much farther.

"Love what you can when you don't know what you're capable of," pausing to exhale, "Fitter's Union." She never addressed us with heart like that again. The cheesy part says because it was broken, the cheezy part said it was she never had one to begin with. The real-life knows what I say to you and what I hang above you when you sleep.

Hunters, love thy gatherers.

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