Sep 10, 2010

WAY TO READ A LINE: Willem DaFoe in 'The Boondock Saints'

Hopefully you know what line I am gonna say. I say that because I am in favor of calling 'The Boondock Saints' a bad movie. Why? The plot and directing. I'm not here to get into that. I am here to heap praise on one particular line of that movie. The approximate 1/2038th of the movie I enjoyed. And of course it belongs to Willem DaFoe. DaFoe has a maniacal impatience he brings to his character. Like how the Green Goblin still felt cartoony despite being a businessman. Or how he illustrates the naturally goofiness of having a bloody penis meeting the actual horror of such an act in 'Antichrist'. Or really any line he says as Klaus in 'The Life Aquatic'. DaFoe is straight up IN-DEPTH. So, he makes an imperfect movie less tolerable by simply acting the fuck out of this scene, which he narrates: (watch for 43 seconds in).

You don't need to see this movie now. Dafoe delivers a ridiculous sentence 'There was a Fire FIGHT!' with a gusto that catches the viewer off-guard. He then follows it up by swaying around. He also takes a backseat to his hair, letting that sweaty string quartet dance in the daylight for a bit. 'There was a Fire FIGHT!' is a great line because you really don't need any plot or story, but you just want to see. In fact, the plot and story bury that line so deeply that I almost forgot about it completely. So Boondock Saints would only be a good movie if Willem DaFoe was at least 90% of it. Or if it was The Boondocks playing for the New Orleans Saints in a series of vignettes set to the same pacing, music, and shot similarly to Treme.

Also, I'm sorry if you actually like Boondock Saints. I hate it so much I honestly forget why I hate it. So I owe you? Nah.

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