Mar 31, 2011

Broke Bank Mountain

He never knows.

I broke the bank today.

I tipped a waitress out of pity.

I broke a bank today.

I pulled the pen chain off the pen chain mount.

I broke my bank today.

The piggy kind. Hammer-style. TV Cliche-Style.

I broke up banks today.

They were fighting all the time. He's too good for her anyway. Better financing, shorter lines, etc. He's going to get that 2nd ATM machine he's always been talking about.

I broke-through banks today.

They were dealing with some deep emotional shit. The robber in the re-occuring heist nightmare- it was their own face they saw.

I broke Hillary Banks today.

It's easy enough since her fiance Trevor died. You should try it.

I broke and bank today.

I also sleep. I eat. I brush teeth. I envy icicles.

I broke down bank today.

The B is for baby. A, accountants. N, never. K, know.

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