"Yes Anthony, yes yes! Hold it there. That's a perfect balance of smiling/not smiling. You should really trademark that. Now just curl your fingers for me. Is your hand touching your face?... Well then rest your jaw slightly on the brim of your hand... slighter... little less slight than that... brimmer...BRIMMER.... good (TAKES PICTURE). Your eyes could be a little more piercing, but I think we got it.... Whats that? Your earring? I didn't even realize you had one. Yeah I can see it fine, but it honestly looks like a fish vagina.. tiny little shiny slit."

"Ok, Anthony.... Sorry.... Tony B- can you hold the chop sticks higher? Mmmkay. Angle it up- food in the air- there ya go. Down a smidge, down, down, doooown. UP! Right there. (TAKES PICTURE) Oh wow got some good light on those chop sticks Tony B... Whats that?.... No your chin isn't visible... Well I can take another picture.... Really? OK... You can't really make out what the food is, no... I agree, knowing what the food is distracts how piercing your eyes are... Oh- its visible but barely, just liked you asked."

"ANTHONY BOURDAIN!! Hey, HEY! (TAKES PICTURE)..... Sorry Mr. Boudain, I just wanted a picture for my website.... No I can't see your earring in it... Well alright then! Thank You!"