Feb 2, 2011

TV Mustache Week: The Sarah Silverman Program's Officer Jay McPherson


The Sarah Silverman revolves accordingly around Sarah Silverman, giving her all the wacky and leaving the basis of reality to her co-stars.... none more than her sister Laura and Laura's boyfriend Officer Jay McPherson. Jay acts the part as foil to the boisterously crass and unapologetically juvenile Sarah. Jay and Sarah's relationship is like that of another mustachioed TV icon, Ned Flanders to neighbor Homer Simpson.

Jay's 'aww shucks' vibe is a perfect contrast to Sarah. Sometimes indulging her (laughing at a joke at her 9/11 tribute) and mostly listening to Laura, Jay is responsible and is reasonably angry- which makes Sarah's shenanigans that much more devious and off-putting.

He's an aficionado of 'gentle-comedy' and a classic small town cop. He's the type of guy to say things like hootenanny and "Listen, I don't know who put a nickel in you, but it's time to make change! " and really mean them. This leads me to believe that his mustache is genuine, that without that mustache- he would lose some of his happy demeanor.

His mustache makes him 'Officer Jay' the friendly officer who speaks at schools, helps people, and puts up with a person who constantly insults him and kills his turtle. He would still be those things without the mustache, but it'd be creepier, like a more rogue cop who is friendly. Jay's mustache represents comfortability and control, two strong factors Jay himself brings to the show.

Also- Jay Johnston is legend. Mr. Show, Moral Orel, and this turn here on The Sarah SIlverman Program.

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