Jan 25, 2011

The Legacy of Oscar Snubs for Animals

Another year of Oscar nominations, another victory for humans everywhere. Did you know such great movie stars as Flipper the dolphin, Salty the Sea Lion, and The Gorilla Mist gang have never once been even considered even viable contenders for Oscars?

Well in 2010, the game is even trickier for animal actors, what with all the meaty roles being handled by computers and voice-over acting (Legend of the Guardian: Owls of Owltown) or played by humans portraying humans in movies that don't need animals (Animal Kingdom).

Still we got some fine performances that the academy has looked over... looked over is putting it too gently... that the academy doesn't care to acknowledge:

-The dog in Greenberg, whose doghouse needs served as a subtle yet powerful antagonist against Ben Stiller.

-The black swan in Black Swan- you were there for Natalie's Portmania to turn into you, but you weren't really there. I get it? I get you! Way to out shine Barbera Hershey and Jackie from the 70s.

-Little Blackie in True Grit - death scenes usually get the Academy's attention. As do scenes of great physicality, like running and running in water. You literally carried the actors in True Grit. Also the snake deserves some honorable mention.

-Rabbit Meat and squirrels- Winter's Bone- that family wouldn't have looked so poor and desperate without you.

-There was probably a lion or something in Clash of the Titans- good on you, probably.

-Sonny the dog- Due Date- the only believable character in this movie? No? Ok.

-The Vampire Bat in Twilight Eclipse-- didn't see, but if a vampire movie doesn't have a vampire bat, then what is the fucking point (other than for hormones)

Also, Piranhas from Piranha 3D-- that movie needed more Christopher Llyod. Samething with Furry Vengeance, Cats and Dogs The Revenge of Pussy Galore, Secretariet, and Wall Street 2- could've used more Christopher Lloyd. I also wish they would've had a real life bear play Yogi, that would've at least gotten a Golden Globe nom.

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