Sep 23, 2010

Review: Moped Drinking Camp

I don't remember Moped Drinking Camp for the mopeds, nor the drinking on mopeds (though that was the specific reason any of us where there to begin with). What I think of when I think of Moped Camp is me thinking.

Moped Drinking Camp was a time of great reflection. Like any 16 year old with adults encouraging them to drink heavily, I had a lot to think about. Why are the adults at Moped Drinking Camp always mad? Why don't they have enough helmets here at Moped Drinking Camp? I sure feel sorry for the only 2 girls here at Moped Drinking Camp. These aren't so much as paths as much as they are places the counselors have drove their mopeds before. Why aren't they attending to Mikey, he just crashed his moped? Are they gonna help me out if I crash my moped? Am I prepared to have someone die in my arms in a moped accident at Moped Drinking Camp? Why is there only greasy eggs to eat at Moped Drinking Camp? Where does everyone else puke at Moped Drinking Camp? I am tired all the time, the sun is too bright all the time, I lose vision sometimes when I'm driving my moped and drinking, I'm glad we have a pool at Moped Drinking Camp but I wish it had a lifeguard and more water in it, I think I am talking out loud right now.

Sure, there were a lot of memorable people who I got to know so well I'd never want to see again, and I can't help but remember that day's events everytime I catch my facial scars in the mirror. I just think thinking about Moped Drinking Camp is the best way to remind myself why I am devoid of all emotion. And why I killed my parents.

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